Syaikh Abdul Latief Syakur’s View on Moral Values in Tafsīr Surah Al-Mukminūn

Wahidi, Ridhoul and Shabir, Muslich and Junaidi, Akhmad Arif (2018) Syaikh Abdul Latief Syakur’s View on Moral Values in Tafsīr Surah Al-Mukminūn. ESENSIA: Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Ushuluddin, 19 (1). pp. 61-82. ISSN 2548-4729

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Akhlak (morals) is a very important part in human life, without which men will not reach the degree of a noble man. On contrary, human beings having good akhlak can distinguish between good and bad deeds to become a noble man. The issue of morality is currently experiencing acute decadence that must be quickly overcome by various circles. One of the ways is through learning the thinking of earlier muslims scholars. One of the earlier Islamic scholars is Syaikh Abdul Latief Syakur, one of the local ulamas in Minangkabau, whose academic background had a direct contact with the dynamics of Middle Eastern scholarship,and who contributed a lot of thoughts to uplift the dignity of the nation through morals. As a scholar, Syaikh Abdul Latief Syakur presented and describedseveral moral values to overcome the present moral decadence through his thoughts set forth in his work Tafsīr Surah al-Mukminūn. The application of moral values in this tafsir work contributes to the present moment by applying the values of the spirit of khusyu and khuḍhu’ which illustrates the humility and tepo seliro (tolerance) which are transcendent. Not only on its transcendent and cognitive aspects, but also on the other dimensions of humanity thoroughly and striving in winning nature (fitrah) and logics against lust.

Item Type: Article
Subjects: B Philosophy. Psychology. Religion > BP Islam
Depositing User: Dimar Tarmizi
Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2021 11:58
Last Modified: 06 Jul 2021 11:58

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