Items where Year is 2021
Abdullah, Abdullah (2021) Bukti mendapatkan dana "Research Collaboration" antara Universiti Teknologi Petronas (UTP) Malaysia dan Universitas Islam Indragiri Indonesia. Universiti Teknologi Petronas dan Universitas Islam Indragiri. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Abdullah (2021) Bukti menjadi reviewer pada Journal of Information and Communication Technology (JICT). Journal Information and Communication Technology WoS. (Unpublished)
Abdullah, Abdullah (2021) Turnitin A new hybrid fuzzy time series model with an application to predict PM 10 concentration. Turnitin Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. (Unpublished)
Adnan, Indra Muchlis and Rifa'i, Ahmad and Ridwan, Ridwan and Wandi, Wandi (2021) Peningkatan Pengetahuan Hukum Anggota ORARI Inhil dan Gugus Depan Gerakan Pramuka Unisi Mengenai Regulasi Kegiatan Amatir Radio dan Komunikasi Radio Antar Penduduk Berdasarkan Perkominfo No. 17 Tahun 2018. Journal of Human and Education, 1 (1). pp. 23-31.
Ahmad, Ahmad and Hasnawati, Hasnawati and Mulyadi, Mulyadi and Apriyanto, Mulono and Oklianda, Oklianda and Putra, Putra and Warmi, Warmi (2021) Student Responses During Online Learning in the Covid-19 Pandemic Period. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1764 (1). pp. 1-7.
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Concentration of Manure on Carica Papaya L Growth. International Journal of Engineering, Management and Humanities (IJEMH), 2 (3). pp. 179-184.
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) During Fermentation, Microbiology and Biochemistry of the Cocoa Bean. International Journal of Food Science and Agriculture, 5 (4). pp. 688-691.
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Keaslian Peneiltian/Hiptesis. In: Metodologi Penelitian Pertanian. Nuta Media. ISBN 978-623-6040-45-4
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Laporan Hasil Penelitian. In: Metodologi Penelitian Pertanian. Nuta Media. ISBN 978-623-6040-45-4
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Latar Belakang Masalah Penelitian. In: Metodologi Penelitian Pertanian. Nuta Media, Yogyakarta, pp. 1-12. ISBN 978-623-6040-45-4
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Menyusun Artikel Jurnal. In: Metodologi Penelitian Pertanian. Nuta Media. ISBN 978-623-6040-45-4
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Menyusun Daftar Pustaka. In: Metodologi Penelitian Pertanian. Nuta Media. ISBN 978-623-6040-45-4
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Monograf : PENINGKATAN MUTU BIJI KAKAO PETANI. Nuta Media.
Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Water Sources on Organoleptics and Characteristics of. Merit Research Journal of Food Science and Technology, 6 (1). pp. 1-7. ISSN 2354-2527
Apriyanto, Mulono and Fikri, KMS. Novyar Satriawan (2021) Naskah Akademik Lahan Pertanian Pangan Berkelanjutan. [Artefact]
Apriyanto, Mulono and Marlina, Marlina and Susanto, Bayu Fajar and Rifa’i, Ahmad and Riono, Yoyon (2021) A SWOT Analysis to Improve The Marketing of Young Coconut Chips. Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology, 25 (3). pp. 13232-13240. ISSN 1583-6258
Apriyanto, Mulono and Nursida, Nursida and Mardesci, Hermiza and Marlina, Marlina and Afiza, Yeni and Riono, Yoyon and Ninsix, Retty (2021) PELATIHAN TEKNIS PENANAMAN PADI BAGI PENYULUH PERTANIAN. J-Abdi Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat.
Apriyanto, Mulono and Partini, partini and Mardechi, Hermiza and Syahrantau, Gunawan (2021) The Role of Farmers Readiness in the Sustainable Palm Oil Industry. Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 1764 (1). pp. 1-7.
Apriyanto, Mulono and Rujiah, Rujiah (2021) Analisis Tingkat Ketahanan Pangan Terhadap Kerawanan Pangan Menggunakan Metode GIS (Geographic Information System). Journal of Food System and Agribusiness, 5 (1). pp. 54-61. ISSN 2597-9426
Ardi, Mitra Saputra and Abdullah, Abdullah and Usman, Usman (2021) Rancang Bangun Pendeteksi Kualitas Beras Menggunakan Metode K-Nearest Neighbor Berbasis Android. JURNAL INFORMATIKA UPGRIS, 7 (2). pp. 10-15. ISSN 2447-6645
Azhar, Ali and Fikri, KMS. Novyar Satriawan and Siregar, Viv Arviani and Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) PENCEGAHAN, PEMBERANTASAN, PENYALAHGUNAAN DAN PEREDARAN GELAP NARKOBA (P4GN) pada PESANTREN. Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian,, 1 (11). pp. 2463-2467. ISSN 2722-9467
Bayu Rianto., Dkk, Bayu (2021) PRACTICE WORK INFORMATION SYSTEM WEB-BASED INDRAGIRI ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY. Annals of R.S.C.B., 25 (4). pp. 13189-13194. ISSN 1583-6258
EKO WIDODO, EKO (2021) sistem informasi portal berita. himas sistem informasi.
FITRI WAHYUNI, FITRI (2021) Hukum Acara Pidana Indonesia. 1 . RAJAWALI PRES, DEPOK. ISBN 9786232319448
FITRI WAHYUNI, FITRI (2021) The Legal Protection For Children Of Sexual Violence Victims In Indragirii Hilir Regency. International Journal of Educational Research & Social Sciences, 2 (2). ISSN 2774-5406
Hermiza, Mardesci (2021) Analysis of Value-Added and Calculation of Production Cost in the Production of Processed Coconut Product. International Journal on Advanced Science, Engineering and Information Technology, 11 (2). pp. 776-782. ISSN 2088-5334
Hermiza, Mardesci (2021) Determination of Value-Added and Contributing Organization in the Development of CoconutWater-Based Agro Industry. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 709 (012062). ISSN 1755-1307
Hermiza, Mardesci (2021) Karakteristik Organoleptik Bakso Ikan Gabus dengan Penambahan Pati Jagung dan Tepung Tapioka. Jurnal Marinade, 4 (1). pp. 16-23. ISSN 2654-4415
Hermiza, Mardesci (2021) Model Analisis Finansial Olahan Komoditas Kelapa (Studi Kasus pada Kecamatan Mandah Indragiri Hilir). Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 10 (2). pp. 120-127. ISSN 2598-5132
Hermiza, Mardesci (2021) Proses Perebusan Kelapa Sawit pada Stasiun Sterilizer (Studi Kasus pada PT. Tri Bakti Sarimas PKS 2 Ibul, Riau). Jurnal Teknologi Pertanian, 10 (1). pp. 43-48. ISSN 2598-5132
Husin, Abdullah (2021) A new hybrid fuzzy time series model with an application to predict PM 10 concentration. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 227. pp. 1-8. ISSN 0147-6513
Ikhlas, Ariza and Abdullah, Abdullah and Prasetyo, Dwi Yuli (2021) MESIN PEMBELAJARAN ENSEMBLE UNTUK IDENTIFIKASI VARIETAS PADI. Informatika Pertanian, 29 (2). pp. 123-130. ISSN 2540-9875
Kholiska, Reden Kurnia and Nur, Afrizal and Wahidi, Ridhoul (2021) The Process of Rapid Eye Movement (REM) Sleep in the Qur’an: Neuroscience Perspective on the QS. Al-Kahfi 18. Jurnal Studi Ilmu-Ilmu al-Qur’an dan Hadis, 22 (2). pp. 329-344. ISSN 1411-6855
Muannif, Ridwan and Yatini, Yatini and Ahmad Arif, Zulfikar and Rasta Kurniawati Br, Pinem and Rina, Septiani and Sariyah, Sariyah and Ontran Sumantri Riyanto, Riyanto and Asman, Asman and Dewi Pika Lbn Batu, Batu and Firmansyah, Firmansyah (2021) HAM Ditinjau dari Berbagai Perspektif Hukum. Nuta Media, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6040-89-8
Nafiisah, Jauharotun and Naseh, Ahmad Hanany and Minan, Muh. Aufal and Wahidi, Ridhoul (2021) STUDI LIVING QUR’AN TENTANG IMPLEMENTASI PROGRAM BACA TULIS QUR’AN MELALUI TRADISI LITERASI ALQUR’AN DI MAN 1 GUNUNG KIDUL. Jurnal Syahadah, 9 (2). pp. 29-59. ISSN 2338-0349
Nurhayat, Nurhaya and Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) Sensory evaluation of chocolate bar production materials of dry cocoa seeds in various fermentation treatments. Czech Journal of Food Sciences, 39 (1). pp. 58-62. ISSN 1805-9317
Nurhaytati, Nurhayati and Desy, Ambaar sari and Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) PANGAN LOKAL BERFERMENTASI. In: Pangan Berbasis Fermentasi. Nuta Media, Yogyakarta. ISBN 978-623-6040-36-2
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) SK Akreditasi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) SK Akreditasi Program Studi Akuntansi Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) SK Akreditasi Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) SK Akreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Alqur'an dan Tafsir Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) SK Akreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Hukum (S1) Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) Sertifikat Akreditasi Manajemen Pendidikan Islam Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) Sertifikat Akreditasi Program Studi Akuntansi Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) Sertifikat Akreditasi Program Studi Ekonomi Syari'ah Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) Sertifikat Akreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Al Qur'an dan Tafsir Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
PUSTIPAD, UPT (2021) Sertifikat Akreditasi Program Studi Ilmu Hukum Tahun 2021. BAN PT.
Rahman, Arivaie and Erdawati, Sri and Wahidi, Ridhoul (2021) Eksistensi Literatur Tafsir Nusantara-Indonesia dalam Tafsir al-AzharKarya Hamka. Mashdar : Jurnal Studi Al-Quran dan Hadis, 3 (2). pp. 83-104. ISSN 2685-1547
Rahman, Riki and Masruri, Muhammad and Saleh, Nor Shela Saleh and Wahidi, Ridhoul (2021) [Exploring The Contribution of The Muslim Middle Class Society in Malaysia to The National Socio-Economic Development] Meneroka Sumbangan Masyarakat Kelas Menengah Muslim di Malaysia Terhadap Pembangunan Sosio-Ekonomi Negara. Jurnal Islam dan Masyarakat Kontemporari (Journal of Islam and Contemporary Society), 22 (3). pp. 211-225. ISSN 1985-7667
Riono, Yoyon and Apriyanto, Mulono and Marlina, Marlina and Intan sari, Intan sari and Nursida, Nursida and Yusuf, Elfi Yenny (2021) PENGENALAN HAMA DOMINAN PADA KELAPA SAWIT PADA KEBUN MASYARAKAT DI KECAMATAN KUANTAN HILIR SEBERANG KABUPATEN KUANTAN SINGINGI. Jurnal Agro Dedikasi Masyarakat (JADM), 2 (2). pp. 2-6. ISSN 2723-7788
Rujiah, Rujiah and Azhar, Ali and Apriyanto, Mulono and Fikri, KMS. Novyar Satriawan and Marlina, Marlina (2021) PEREMPUAN DALAM PERIKANAN DAN AKUAKULTUR DI KABUPATEN INDRAGIRI HILIR RIAU. Selodang Mayang.
Siregar, Viv Arviani and Adnan, Indra Muchlis and Ridwan, Muannif (2021) POLITIK HUKUM DALAM PENERAPAN SISTEM PERADILAN PIDANA ANAK DI INDONESIA. Jurnal Inovasi Penelitian (JIP), 2 (7). pp. 2297-2306. ISSN 2722-9475
Veriani, Aprilia and Apriyanto, Mulono (2021) PENDAHULUAN. In: Pangan Berbasis Fermentasi. Nuta Media, Yogyakarta, pp. 1-24. ISBN 978-623-6040-36-2
Wahyuni, Fitri and Adnan, Indra Muchlis and Syariffuddin, Syariffuddin (2021) Implikasi Covid 19 Terhadap Kesadaran Hukum Berlalulintas di Kabupaten Indragiri Hilir. Res Nullius Law Journal, 3 (1). pp. 89-97. ISSN 2721-4206